The Challenge
Resume-centric hiring process did not align with company values
Top-of-funnel hiring process required too many time-consuming, menial tasks
Hiring team overlooked quality talent
One of Communitech’s core values is that great teams are built on candidates’ potential to succeed, not on their past experience. Communitech’s top-of-funnel hiring processes, which involved job seekers submitting resumes to a designated email inbox which HR partners would then forward to hiring managers, misaligned with the company’s mandate to take the focus off resume-related items, like education and past experience. Despite understanding that resumes are poor predictors of candidate success, Communitech contributors had no shortlisting alternative. By continuing to use resumes to narrow down the candidate pool, Communitech's hiring managers and HR partners overlooked quality talent.
Our Action
Partnered with Plum as an alternative shortlisting method focused on job and culture fit
Alignment among internal stakeholders created to define predictive job requirements
Confirmation bias mitigated with the introduction of structured interviews

Communitech partnered with Plum to gain job applicant insights on proven predictors of job and culture fit, such as personality, social intelligence, and problem solving. Instead of filtering through resumes and sorting them by job, HR partners, hiring managers, and individuals who may have previously held that position collaborated on the Match Criteria Survey to customize the requirements for the open role. These internal stakeholders then came up with a joined shortlist of applicants based on the Plum Match Scores, and used the structured interview questions provided by Plum to interview this narrowed down pool of candidates.

Hiring process aligned with company values; considered candidates for true talents
Top-of-funnel hiring process was significantly streamlined
Internal stakeholders became more aligned than ever
Plum’s hiring solution transformed Communitech’s hiring process to reflect the company’s focus on talents and personality traits as indicators of cultural fit and on-the-job success, rather than credentials and experience.

Plum’s cloud-based platform allowed Communitech to eliminate its previously email-centric top-of-funnel process. This meant that the hiring team was able to focus less on menial tasks (such as sorting through and emailing resumes) and focus more on meeting with the best people. 

Not only did the the transition from email to Plum help organize Communitech’s hiring processes, but it also helped hiring managers and HR professionals get on the same page and communicate clearly about candidates in the hiring funnel. Through Plum’s collaborative Match Criteria Survey, all parties could have equal say about which qualities and talents would make a candidate successful in the role. Because of Plum’s cloud-based platform, both parties could easily access and collaborate on candidate data and shortlisting.

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