Plum Embracing Diversity badge

Embracing Diversity

Understanding others' perspectives and dealing effectively with different types of people.

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Teams prioritize Embracing Diversity for a role when:

  • Adapting to others' differences contributes to an accepting working environment
  • Encouraging the sharing of different perspectives and viewpoints generates new ideas
  • Seeking out information regarding different cultures fosters greater understanding of people’s behavior

An ideal candidate will need to:

  • Appreciate and enjoy the company of people with different backgrounds at work
  • Respect others’ perspectives and beliefs even when different from their own
  • Contribute to an accepting environment for people with varying backgrounds (e.g., through open discussion)

Competencies for Embracing Diversity include:

Encouraging diversity and participation

Behaviors include:
  • Making others feel comfortable and appreciated
  • Being friendly and developing positive working relationships
  • Being open to different attitudes, values, and personalities

Looking for similarities between people

Behaviors include:
  • Encouraging and building mutual trust, respect, and cooperation
  • Adapting to a wide range of people
  • Knowing what to say to make people feel included, welcome, and accepted

Understanding different values and belief systems

Behaviors include:
  • Making others feel comfortable and appreciated
  • Seeking out new and different experiences
  • Learning about different backgrounds, values, and beliefs
  • Respectfully seeking to understand different values and beliefs

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