Plum Adaptation badge


Adjusting to changes in the workplace while maintaining a positive demeanor.

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Teams prioritize Adaptation for a role when:

  • Demands and objectives often change
  • Change must be managed and incorporated into processes Work inconveniences and impositions are likely to occur
  • Dealing with uncertainty requires a calm approach

An ideal candidate will need to:

  • Embrace a changing work environment
  • Anticipate, plan for, and adjust to changing demands and preferences
  • Respond calmly to and persevere through obstacles

Competencies for Adaptation include:

Preparing for change

Behaviors include:
  • Identifying and developing possible solutions
  • Developing plans to cope with unexpected events
  • Anticipating problems and choosing forward-thinking solutions

Responding to change

Behaviors include:
  • Adjusting to change and integrating changes into existing plans and procedures
  • Rebounding from the challenges associated with change
  • Remaining calm and level-headed in the midst of change
  • Persisting through ambiguity and change

Embracing uncertainty

Behaviors include:
  • Tolerating temporary work inconveniences
  • Maintaining productivity during times of change
  • Dealing positively with obstacles and failures
  • Operating effectively in stressful situations
  • Maintaining composure in stressful situations
  • Persisting in the pursuit of goals after setbacks

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